Let’s work together

Transforming Care

Wellness is multi-dimensional. Wellness is not a static state. It is evolving and always active.

Wellness is the journey to making changes and choices that can contribute to our overall health and well-being.

When we begin to re-evaluate the way we have been conditioned to see wellness, we can then take the steps to change, health, and healing. It is a practice, conditioning, and work. However, you do not have to be alone. I am here to teach you the skills and way back to your power as a human being. It is your birthright to be healthy and to have the knowledge to heal whatever imbalance you are dealing with. All we need is a new understanding, guidance, and a healthier perspective.

An authentic approach

I have learned throughout my own health, healing and well-being journey that not one modality, supplement, vitamin or food fits all.  The body’s needs also change constantly, as our body is ever changing.

We want to learn to appreciate the ongoing changes while contributing to our overall health and well-being; mentally, physically and emotionally.

My approach to healing and well-being is derived from an in-depth understanding of the ongoing process of healing my own mental, physical and emotional health. Let me be clear, healing is always and will always be ongoing as things continue to come and go throughout our lives. This is the natural process of our existence.

We adapt and learn to fine tune daily, listen to the body and honor what is needed as changes happen.

I believe that the foundation to healing and health is education, support, and empowerment. Beyond the prescribing and diagnosing there is opportunity to learn, to grow, and to truly empower yourself.  Through the darkest days of feeling lost, helpless, and overwhelmed, we can transform these experiences into power, knowledge, and healing. We learn to understand, listen, and be patient with our bodies. The same body that shows up for us time and time again. We grow from the pain and suffering and learn to have more compassion for ourselves and the world around us. We empower ourselves to find strength, perseverance, and the willingness to know our body and ourselves.

Services + Rates

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Private Yoga Therapy + Instruction

Specializing in - Viniyoga (Yoga Therapy) + Trauma Informed Yoga + Pranayama + Meditation

Benefits of working privately and one on one include but not limited to:
Build awareness in the body to avoid injury and get the intended benefit from each pose

Acquire an in depth understanding of the process and foundation of yoga beyond the physical practice

Gain the skills and knowledge to develop your own practice based on your day to day needs and goals

Develop confidence to practice whenever and wherever

Recognize your strength and ability to practice yoga based on YOUR body and YOUR needs

Virtual or in-person.

Acquire the knowledge and experience the profound journey of these sacred practices. You will begin to recognize that transformation takes place both on your mat and off your mat. It is an always evolving practice where you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
We can discuss options as far as what approach and learning opportunity most aligns with your needs and goals. We can also integrate the practices utilizing multiple approaches.

By investing in this personalized support, you can heal from injuries, chronic & acute health imbalances, anxiety, depression and/or build self confidence in developing your own practice. We do it together. You are given a practice after each session to review and learn. By session 12, you will have a complete practice designed specifically for your needs and goals while also having an in-depth understanding of honoring your body day to day, movement, mental and physical awareness and proper breathing techniques.
There is always the option to continue to explore more together to deeper evolve your practice.

Introductory (first session) 90 mins | $210 | Get started

Follow Up Sessions:

45 mins | $ 85 | Book Now

60 mins | $110 | Book Now

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Virtual or in-person.

Holistic Consulting encompasses the foundation of holistic health principles, incorporating all the pieces to create the whole picture and then integrating these principles into traditional consulting practices.

Holistic Consulting creates a sustainable and integrative approach that will contribute to possibility, growth, and evolution. This approach can be utilized to develop or maintain a healthy and thriving work culture, implement employee well-being programs, or navigate a process to create big picture change in your organization or business.

My Role:

  • Identify problems, obstacles, and roadblocks to health and wellbeing

  • Design an organizational strategy to create and maintain a wellness culture

  • Implement, monitor effects and satisfaction, and improve the wellness strategy

  • Develop education initiatives

  • Develop and implement employee wellness policies and programs (e.g. stress reduction, yoga, mindfulness, mediation, supplementation, and nutrition)

  • Ensure consistent communication across the organization

  • Report on results

  • Work closely with other departments to integrate wellness into the company culture

  • Manage the budget for the wellness program and ensure its cost-effective

  • Stay ahead of trends and developments in the health and wellness field

  • Monitor compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to employee wellness

Hourly Rate Planning & Implementation | $80 | Get started

Wellness Program Per employee | $200 | Get started

Current Clients | Book Here

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Online and in-person.

A collaboration of passionate wellness entrepreneurs looking to enhance well-being & create a thriving & vibrant community.

Workshops + Events

Holistic Consulting

Chief Well-being Officer Consultant

Many nonprofit organizations are introducing and implementing Chief Well-being Officers to reduce burn out, show authentic and genuine support to team and volunteers, create a true wellness culture, and maintain motivated, healthy, and empowered employees.

It is crucial to implement Wellness resources, tools, programs, and support that are ongoing and evolving with the organization’s growth.

Workshops + Classes


Don’t hesitate to reach out any time.

Abigail will respond with in 24 hours.

Take your power back, today!